A Great Learning Experience

Taking English 102 made me realize that literature could be really fun and rewarding. With the discussion in class and the explanation from the professor, boring readings turned out to be interesting in some way. Our first reading assignment was “A Clean Well Lighted Place.” It is a short story that has many hidden meaningful lessons that can be learned. One lesson I learn from this story is that we all need to have a purpose of what we want in order to live a meaningful life without any regrets in the future. Then our professor introduced us to “A Rose for Emily,” “The Yellow Wallpaper,” and A Doll’s House. These stories are similar in that males have total power over females. This is due to the fact the norm of the society created in which women were being treated as the second class citizen. The social inequality in jobs and social inequality at home caused women to be confined in their houses as the housewives. Although these stories happened in the nineteenth century, the social inequality in jobs and social inequality at home still exist today. Women working the same jobs as men are still receiving less as comparing to men. As we moved on to poetry, I find that it is very complicated to comprehend what the poets were trying to imply. With the discussion in class and doing my own research, I find poetry understandable and meaningful. Our last studied was on epic and fantasy play. I really enjoyed reading “The Tempest” because it has a happy ending. I don’t know why, but I always love a happy ending. I did not like Prospero in the beginning because he appears to be evil. He uses his power to control Ariel, the spirit. However, it turns out in the end that he is a noble man who would careless about vengeance. In conclusion, I am glad that I took this class and it has helped me understand literature more than ever before. Thank You Professor Carrol-Adler.
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